Gopal Bhutani is no longer with us

Gopal Bhutani, a fight director and actor of Nepali movie industry, has died 11:00 AM on Tuesday, November 23, 2010 at the age of 78. He was seriously ill for some time and when the condition deterized on Sunday, he was admitted to the Janamaitri Hospital in Balaju.


Bhutani doesn’t have any relatives, so the last rites will be done by fight director Rajendra Khadgi. Bhutani loved Rajendra Khadgi very much and used to call him son.

Bhutani, a Tamang by birth will be put to rest according to the Tamang ethnic rituals in Shyambhu.

Bhutani started his career in movie in the 1940s in Bombay, India. His first Nepali movie was "Manko Baadh" re
leased in BS 2032. Then he started as a fight director in "Jeevan Rekha".

Our condolence to the deceased soul. (Photo credit – nagariknews)

Facebook asks me to make it my homepage – one more reasons for Google to worry about

A weekly statistics show that 1 in 4 of all page impressions in the US were in Facebook pages. Hitwise statistics revealed a 60% increase in traffic to Facebook when compared to the same period last year. Now, Facebook is well above its nearest competitor, Google, and well ahead of Yahoo and YouTube. It is to be noted that the data excludes mobile traffic. Due to the social nature, Facebook tends to have more mobile traffic than Google.

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