Priyanka Karki and Ashishma Nakarmi to be featured with Keki in Shree Panch Ambare

Two more actresses, Priyanka Karki and Ashishma Nakarmi have signed in the upcoming movie of Deepa Basnet, ‘Shree Panch Ambare’. Earlier, actress Keki Adhikari and actor Saugat Malla were finalized to lead in the movie.

priyanka karki and ashishma nakarmi

All three actresses are considered the new actresses with potential in Nepali movie industry. All three actresses are the busiest actresses in the Nepali movie industry.

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Samikshya Aryal signed in four movies before the release of any of them

Have you heard of actress Samikshya Aryal?

Well, we also heard of her recently and were surprised that she has already done four new movies well before the release of any of them. In addition to the movies she has done so far, she is also getting offers for more movies.

Samikshya says that the reason she has got so many offers is her talent. She debuted in the movie ‘Action’ while she was still in the acting training class. After that, she acted in ‘Kale’, ‘Paap’ and the last movie she did was Raju Giri‘s ‘Tiger the Real Hero’.

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