Kohinoor – viewers flock to theater to pay tribute to Shree Krishna Shrestha

The movie of late actor Shree Krishna Shrestha, ‘Kohinoor’ saw a rare success of Nepali movies. The viewers have been visiting the theaters to pay tribute to Shree. In a new record, after 1 week of release, the movie grossed Rs. 9.7 million on a single day. The record made on Saturday is considered a new record in Nepali movie industry. So far, the movie has made Rs. 34.1 million.

A video (audio) report:

Kohinoor, Nepali movie by Shree Krishna Shrestha, theater report

Almost all of the theaters featuring the movie are houseful and many have returned back when they couldn’t get the ticket to watch the movie. Many of the viewers have told that they are watching the movie to pay tribute to the actor.

shree Krishna and sweta Khadka in kohinoor film

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Nepali Movie – Tribeni

tribeniNepali Movie – Tribeni
Starring Sushil Chhetri, Melina Manandhar, Jharana Bajracharya, Rabi Shah, Mukunda Shrestha, Rajaram Poudel etc.
Director – Mahendra Budhathoki

Nepali movie ‘Tribeni’ is produced by Raj Kumar Rai for RC Pictures. Ex-Miss Nepal Jharana Bajracharya is also featured in the movie in leading role with Melina. The movie features the background score of Sanjaya Shrestha, story of Chuida Gurung, script/dialogue of Amar Rasaili, action of Ram – Janak, choreography of Kamal Rai, music of Mahesh Khadka, editing of Rara Thapa ‘Kimbhe’, cinematography of Shiva Kishor Dhakal.

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