Nepali Movie – Parai

paraiNepali Film – Parai
Starring – Govinda Shahi, Nandita KC, Garima Pant, Niraj Baral etc.
DirectorShiva Regmi

The movie produced by Govinda Shahi and a presentation of Deepak Kumar Shahi, ‘Parai’ was the last movie of the late director Shiva Regmi. (list of Shiva Regmi’s films) Director Regmi died on December of 2013, a month before the movie was released in theater in January 2014.

The story of the movie is written by Shivam Adhikari, music by Basanta Sapkota. The lyrics of the film are composed by Shib Regmi,Basanta Sapakota,Dayaram Pande,Naresh BHatarai and Nabaraj Lamsal. The singers are Bhishan Mukarung, Dipak Limbu, Swarup Raj Aacharya, Rajina Rimal, Rajesh Payal Rai, and Mandavi Tripathi.

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