Being Sunny Leone, Shristi Shrestha hot appearance in a Bollywood music video

Miss Nepal 2012, Shristi Shrestha, is featured in a remix video of a popular song of a Bollywood movie ‘Jackpot’. The music video features the actor of the movie Sachin Joshi opposite to Shristi. In the original filming of the song ‘Kabhi Jo Badal Barse…’ actress Sunny Leone was featured opposite to Sachin.

shristi shrestha in bollywood music video hot 5

In the music video, Shristi seem to be a competition to Sunny in terms of the sensuality (watch the video to decide):

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Jiwan Luitel burnt an effigy of earthquake, a psychological treatment of fear

As a symbolic protest, burning an effigy of political leaders have been quite popular in Nepal. But, for the first time, I have felt the true use of such an practice. Actor Jiwan Luitel has burned an effigy of earthquake prepared by the women’s group in Shivanagar, Kalanki.

jiwan luitel burn earthquake

Although it seems like a superstition, it was used as the psychological treatment of the women and children of the area. The organizer, Women Development Committee, has found that the children and women were so afraid of earthquake that some were afraid of entering houses. The symbolic burning of the image of earthquake has brought relief on the people.

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