Jiwan Luitel becomes the father of a daughter (photos)

Actor Jiwan Luitel has become the father of the second child, a daughter on June 22. Jiwan’s first child, a son was born a year and half ago. In a message posted in his Facebook profile, Jiwan has congratulated his wife, Anjali Luitel, for the delivery of his second child. He hopes his family will be happier with the new member in the family. Jiwan’s first child was born on December 14, 2013.

Photos of the new member in Jiwan Luitel’s family:

jiwan luitel daugher born4

Photo 1 – Jiwan Luitel holds the new born daughter on his hand.

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Pregnant Kshitiza Shakya does a belly photo shot

A well known model and ‘Miss Nepal’ film actress Kshitiza Shakya has become pregnant for the second time. She is due on Ashad 20. A mother of a 12-years-old daughter, Kshitiza is very excited to become a mother after a long time. Like foreign models and actors, Kshitiza has also done a phtoshot of her belly for a weekly magazine.

In a statement, Kshitiza has told that her belly photoshot is dedicated to the earthquake victims of April 25 earthquake. She says, “I have heard of many miscarriages at the time of earthquake.” Kshitiza feels proud that the baby has been safe in the devastating earthquake. The photoshot was done in the photo studio of photographer Sanjay Rauniyar.

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