Pregnant Kshitiza Shakya does a belly photo shot

A well known model and ‘Miss Nepal’ film actress Kshitiza Shakya has become pregnant for the second time. She is due on Ashad 20. A mother of a 12-years-old daughter, Kshitiza is very excited to become a mother after a long time. Like foreign models and actors, Kshitiza has also done a phtoshot of her belly for a weekly magazine.

kshitiza shakya

In a statement, Kshitiza has told that her belly photoshot is dedicated to the earthquake victims of April 25 earthquake. She says, “I have heard of many miscarriages at the time of earthquake.” Kshitiza feels proud that the baby has been safe in the devastating earthquake. The photoshot was done in the photo studio of photographer Sanjay Rauniyar.

Kshitiza says that she doesn’t know if the baby is a boy or a girl. Dr. Jyoti Agarwal has been monitoring the baby since the conception.

Kshitiza started her acting career in a telefilm ‘Parkhal’ and she debuted big screen movie in ‘Gham Chhaya’ (watch ‘Gham Chhaya’ here). Kshitiza was last seen in Suvekchya Thapa‘s movie ‘Miss Nepal’. In addition to acting Kshitiza is a ramp model and model in various advertisements. So far, she has acted in about a dozen movies including ‘Natedar’ (watch ‘Natedar’ here) and ‘Miss Nepal’.

The trend of pregnant photo shot is believed to be started by Hollywood actress Demi Moore in 1991. 7-months pregnant Demi made headlines when she was featured in the cover of ‘Vanity Fair’.

(read the full profile of Actress Kshitiza in nepaliactress)

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