$581k raised in Colorado, USA saptaha by Dinbandhu Pokharel

A saptaha was organized among the Nepali people living in Colorado, USA in an effort to build a community centre for the Nepali and Bhutanese of Nepali origin. The saptaha held from April 28 to May 5 raised an amount in excess of $581k. The money was collected as the donation from the people living in the area.

Dinbandhu Pokharel is known as an excellent orator who inspire people with money to donate for a noble cause. He has been active in raising fund for the construction of schools, colleges, hospitals and other social works.

Although some question his tactics of inspiring people to donate money as manipulative, those who donate do so happily. He uses the storytelling to inspire people to do something so that they are remembered by others in the world. He uses the mortality as an excuse and donation to help them become immortal.

A video report about the event in Colorado:

What is a Saptaha?

Saptaha is the telling of the story from one of the most holy book of Hindu, Shrimad Bhagwat Katha. The story gives a tremendous insight and an entirely new perspective to the person who hears the narrative. The narrative is told to be transformative. The story is about Atma (soul) and how it can’t be bounded by the nature

Shrimad Bhagwatam provides that light which enables Jeeva (human being) to experience the freedom or liberation. The life philosophy is taught through the narration of the life stories of 24 incarnations of Lord Vishnu.

Shrimad Bhagwat Katha is believed to be useful for:

  • Health, Wealth & Prosperity
  • Spiritual Journey ( Bhagwat Prapti )
  • Attainment of Moksha
  • Pleasing the ancestors (Pitra Devta)
  • Peace of Good / Evil Spirit
  • Fulfil Desire (Manokamna)

Dinbandhu makes the story telling interesting with the songs and dances in between. The event is full entertainment package with singing, prayer, food and dancing.

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