$581k raised in Colorado, USA saptaha by Dinbandhu Pokharel

A saptaha was organized among the Nepali people living in Colorado, USA in an effort to build a community centre for the Nepali and Bhutanese of Nepali origin. The saptaha held from April 28 to May 5 raised an amount in excess of $581k. The money was collected as the donation from the people living in the area.

Dinbandhu Pokharel is known as an excellent orator who inspire people with money to donate for a noble cause. He has been active in raising fund for the construction of schools, colleges, hospitals and other social works.

Although some question his tactics of inspiring people to donate money as manipulative, those who donate do so happily. He uses the storytelling to inspire people to do something so that they are remembered by others in the world. He uses the mortality as an excuse and donation to help them become immortal.

A video report about the event in Colorado:

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Rekha Thapa got married (to a tree) UPDATE

In a religious ceremony Rekha Thapa got married to a Bar (Banyan) tree. Banyan is viewed as the male counterpart of female plant peepal. In Hindu religion, banyan tree represents immortality.

rekha thpaa puja yagya and marriage to tree (8)

Rekha conducted a yagya ceremony and a religious puja. Although she hasn’t revealed the reason behind the puja, some believe it has something to do with her upcoming movie ‘Kali‘. Rekha is planning to release the movie in Dashain to compete with her ex-husband Chhabi Raj Ojha‘s ‘Loafer’.

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Dashain, Dhog, Communist, and Madhav Nepal

Disclaimer: I don’t favor or detest any political views. I just wanted to show that everything we do is NOT related to religion.

Prakash Dahal, posted the following press photo to prove the Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal is no communist. He claims, Marxist and communists don’t belong to any religion.

But, is ‘dhog‘ a religion?

Dhog, I think, is a culture to show respect to the elders. Some religious pundits branded it as a religious rite but it never was a religious thing from the start.

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Muslim Pooja Lama – ‘show it all’ to ‘hide it all’

It was a very surprising twist in the controversial character in Nepali entertainment industry, Pooja Lama. She has changed her religion from Buddhist to Muslim and renamed herself Amna Faruki.

Pooja told that she has found some good things in Muslim religion, so she has decided to be a Muslim for the rest of her life.

A versatile personality, Pooja Lama, started her career as a model, formed a band and released music albums, and acted in movies. She has equally been in lime lights because of her controversial actions. Some of which are:

  • Marriage at 18 years with Biraj Lepchan and divorce within a year (She has a son out of the marriage).
  • An affair with a Newar guy while she was in Belgium. The guy’s family stopped him to go back to Belgium when he came back to Kathmandu.
  • Affair with Dinesh DC and what happened afterwards
  • Release of a scandal video with DJ Shishir
  • Marriage soon after the release of the scandal video
  • Pooja told she will participate in Indian Idol – which she didn’t
  • After problems in relationship with DJ Shishir she went to Doha some six months back
  • She returned back recelntly as Amna Faruki, a Muslim lady in burka.

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