Balen Shah wins Mayor of Kathmandu, Sunita Dangol wins Deputy Mayor

Kathmandu Municipality has got a young, engineer mayor, Balen Shah. An independent candidate, Balen has received 61,767 votes against the second place Nepali Congress candidate, Sirjana Singh with 38,341 votes. While CPN UML’s mayor candidate Keshav Sthapit was forced into 3rd position with 38,117 votes, his running mate Sunita Dangol got 7 thousand more votes than the mayor Balen.

Video of Balen’s statement after the official announcement of his winning:

The Deputy mayor Sunita Dangol won the election with 68,612 votes and her nearest competitor Rameshwor Shrestha only got 23,608 votes.

In addition to being a singer and an artist, Balen has completed Bachelor in Civil Engineering and Master’s of science in Structural Engineering.

To know the personal side of Balen and take motivation in a short video.


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