Delhi Belly ban in Nepal and Aamir Khan’s reaction

Aamir Khan’s latest production, Delhi Belly, has been banned in Nepali theaters. Reportedly, the Censor Board of Nepal allowed the theater owners to screen the film after deleting and muting some scenes containing abusive scenes and offensive language. But, the theater owners were found screening the film without deleting the censored scenes. Therefore, the film has been banned and replaced with others movie, since Sunday.


Chetan Sapkota, a Censor Board member, as quoted in Republica, stated, "We issued the certificate on condition that more than five dialogues would be removed. But, we found that the movie was screened without removing them". The punishment for offenders, as per the country’s censorship laws is that, the film’s distributors can either be fined a sum of NRs 10,000 or can be imprisoned for a year or can be penalized with both. However, the theater owners told that they had complied with the order. They told, they need some time, especially for the digital format changes, they had to send the reel back to India.

In reaction to the Censor Board’s ban, Nepali audiences, specially youths, seemed to be disappointed. They have started debating this topic in different social networking sites. Delhi Belly, doing good business in India is also told to be banned in Pakistan.

Aamir Khan hopes Censor board realizes there are adults in Nepal

When the producer of the movie, Aamir Khan, was asked for his view on the ban, he said, "I am unaware of how the Nepal Censor Board functions. I don’t know their terms of certification. If they have banned the movie, then it is their decision.”

"I hope the board realizes that there are adults in their country," added the producer.


The theater owner and the censor board have agreed to let the theaters start screening of the edited version of the movie. The censor board has decided not to punish the theaters for their disobedience – as it was the first time.

It is reported that the movie is banned in 22 different countries.

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