Dreams, trailer released, Anmol KC in action and lover boy role

The trailer of one of the most awaited movies of the year, ‘Dreams’ was released in a program held in Kathmandu on January 11, 2016. In the press meet held at Cine the Chef at Sundhara, the film team including the lead actor Anmol KC, Samragyee RL Shah and the director Bhuwan KC gave the information about the movie and their experiences during the film making. Talking in the program, Bhuwan told that he had always wanted to feature his son in one of his movies and the dream has come true through ‘Dreams’.

Video report:

anmol in dreams

Samragyee is debuting in Nepali film industry as an actress in the movie. Talking in the event, she told that she was passionate about acting since her childhood and told that she feels lucky to be debuting in Bhuwan KC’s banner.

The VJ of Image Channel, Sandhya KC, is another actress debuting in the movie. In the movie, Sandhya’s role is that of a guest artist. Other artists in the movie include Darshana KC, Amit Shrestha, and Nyasi Thapa.

In the trailer, Anmol is seen in a double character role. In one role he is shown a lover-boy and a bad-boy in another character. The love story movie is produced under Bhuwan KC’s home production banner Kajal Films. Bhuwan has directed the movie in association with director Diwakar Bhattarai. The script is written by Samipyaraj Timilsina, cinematography by Purushottam Pradhan and Sanjay Lama, editing of Banish Shah / Milan Shrestha and music by Bishesh Pandey / Hercules Basnet.

The movie was shot in various locations in Mustang, Kathmandu and Pokhara. The movie is releasing in theater on Falgun 21 to compete with another love-story movie ‘Fulai Fulko Mausam Timilai’ by Dinesh DC.

Watch the trailer:

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