Historical Nepali Voices – Nepali celebrities of the past

Voices of Royal Family

Voice of King Mahendra
Address to the nation during his 2017 BC coup. And, Nepali language address to the British parliament.


Voice of King Birendra

Voice of King birendra when he addressed public ceremonies:
– King Birendra at White House in 1983 December 7
– 3rd SAARC Summit in Kathmandu 1986

Voice of Prince Dipendra

Address during his India visit and during the visit of UK Prince. Dipendra was also singing in one of the clips shared in the video.

Voices of Political Leaders

Voice of the first elected prime minister of Nepal BP Koirala. His voice changed in his later life because of cancer in his throat. The interview was takin by BBC Nepali in UK and was published recently for the first time.

Voice of Madan Bhandari

Voice of Literary figure

Voice of Laxmi Prasad Devkota

Voices of Musicians

Voice of Narayan Gopal

Voice of Bhakta Raj Acharya

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