Jharana Bajracharya marries Safe Landing producer Rahul Agrawal

The actress of un-released Nepali movie ‘Safe Landing’ and ex-Miss Nepal actress Jharana Bajracharya has married the producer of the movie Rahul Agrawal. Although the marriage ceremony was held on March 12, but it took a few days before she decided to release the news. Lex Limbu has released the photos of the marriage ceremony in his blog, lexlimbu.com. Lex is known as one of the biggest fan of Jharana.

A video report:

Jharana-Bajracharya-marriage - rahul and jharana smile

The wedding ceremony was held among close friends of the bride and groom and the family members. After the marriage, a reception was also held at the Soaltee Hotel in Kathmandu for the friends and family. Friday, March 13, was Jharana’s 34th birthday. After the marriage, the couple has left for honeymoon in Pokhara and Jomsom.

Jharana met Rahul during the production of ‘Safe Landing’ (we wrote about it in 2012). Although they have been seeing each other for the last three and a half years, it has only been a few months, the news of the affair had come out (Nepaliactress news about the affair).

xNepali team congratulates Rahul and Jharana and wish them a love-filled married life.

Who is Rahul Agrawal ?

A Malaysian citizen of Indian origin, Rahul Agrawal, lives in Kuala Lumpur and is the head of a family restaurant business. Rahul’s family is considered one of the richest people in Malaysia. The family is in the business of tea garden, real state, import export and restaurant.

While in affair, Jharana used to go to Malaysia often and she had also recently started a meditation training – Meditation Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. In the past, she had started similar training in Kathmandu.

Click here to read the profile and movies of Jharana Bajracharya.

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