The identity of Baboo Bogati’s wife revealed

The singer and actor of ‘Biteka Pal’, a movie currently running in theater, has failed to keep the information about his wife’s identity a secret. Baboo Bogati had secretly married in October of 2013 and had kept the identity of his wife a secret. According to a latest rumor, his wife is Phoolu Mizzar. Originally from Jhapa, Phoolu currently lives in the Columbus, USA.

Phoolu had shared the following photo of her marriage on October 25, 2013 – right after Baboo’s marriage.

phoolu mizar

At the time when he got married, Baboo had avoided the question about his wife. He had told that marriage is not a public affair and he wanted to keep his private life private. But the truth is, matters related to the lives of public personalities can rarely be kept secret.

While Baboo is busy promoting his newly released movie ‘Biteka Pal’ and his upcoming movie ‘Producer’ his wife is said to have returned back to the USA. The movie ‘Biteka Pal’ is being well received in theater and is expected to become a hit movie.

Mehandi before marriage:

Phoolu Mizar -baboo bogati wife (1)

marriage mehandi

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