Namrata, Rajesh Hamal, Karishma lobbying for elected chief of state in the constitution

Youths and film artists have teamed for lobbying for the elected chief of the state in the new constitution. Actress Namrata Shrestha had participated in a student meet organized in Institute of Engineering, Pulchowk Campus on Monday. A group of youths along with Namrata has been actively campaigning for the provision in the constitution. In addition to elected chief, Namrata is also supporting religious freedom.

namrata shrestha pulchowk campus

Actor Rajesh Hamal and actress Karishma Manandhar have also supported elected chief. In a political meet organized on Saturday, the artists have highlighted the importance of an elected Prime Minister. Actor Hamal told that he believes in the Presidential rule. Karishma recalled the governments formed after the 2046 BS change.

While Karishma Manandhar, Rajesh Hamal and Namrata Shrestha are actively participating in the discussion of the new constitution, most of the other film artists are unaware of the document that can determine the future of Nepal. Most of the Nepali film artists are in foreign tour and few at home are also busy in their respective works.

Namrata was also involved in the collection of 10,000 signatures for the elected chief of state provision in the constitution.

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