Namrata Shrestha to be featured as Megha in a Bikash Rauniar movie

In an upcoming movie by director Samjhana Upreti Rauniar, Namrata Shrestha is going to be featured as the lead character, Megha. The movie named ‘Megha’ will also feature Saugat Malla in lead role. Actor Siddhartha Koirala (Manisha’s brother) will also have a role in the movie. The movie was announced in November after performing puja in Karya Vinayak temple in Lalitpur. During the puja, Actress Manisha Koirala had joined her brother Siddhartha Koirala  and the crew members of the movie including the director Samjhana, actors Namrata and Saugat. (Note – that was long before Manisha was diagnosed with cancer)


Well known photographer in Kantipur publication, Bikas Rauniar resigned from the job of 22 years to start his own family business – Sabasta Entertainment. ‘Megha’ is the first movie being produced by Bikash under the direction of his wife Samjhana. Although it has been really long time since the movie was announced, we hope the movie to be a reality soon after Bikash resigned from his job on December 12, 2012. 

We at xnepali wish all the best to the ‘Megha’ production team and hope the new year 2013 will make the movie a reality. Photo credit – Bikash Rauniar

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