Starring – Mukesh Dhakal, Jharana Thapa, Ragini Khadgi, Pramod Khadka, Nirajan Pradhan, Dipen Shrestha, Sunil Thapa, Sunil Dutta Pandey, Sanjog Khatiwada, Ashok Shrestha etc.
Director – Kishor Chaudhary
‘Lafada’ is an action family drama movie presented by Narayan Khatiwada. The movie features all the entertainment aspect to satisfy all types of film viewers.
The second movie of Mitrasen Baba banner, features the cinematography of Raju KC, music of Kishor Chaudhary and Narayan Khatiwada. The movie is produced by Ashok Shrestha and Sanjog Khatiwada under the banner Mitrasen Baba Media. The movie is edited by Mitra Gurung, choreography by Suresh Chaudhary & Saiman Rajbanshi, and fight direction of Rajendra Khadgi.
Full movie in single part:
The movie is uploaded by HiTech media.
Very good movies.I Like.