Nisha Adhikari speaks up, returning Nepal on September end

When Nisha Adhikari left Nepal suddenly and reached USA in in mid-June, rumors and speculation of her break-up with cricketer Sharad Veshwakar were made. When print media also published report of break-ups, both Sharad and Nisha had made fun of them over the issue. While in the US, Nisha shaved her head and shared her bald photos in Facebook and Instagram.

nisha adhikari in usa

Today, in a Facebook status update, Nisha has listed the answers to the questions raised by her well-wishers. Her answers:

  • Nisha says that she is returning back to Nepal at the end of September.
  • She is scheduled to shot the songs of ‘Lootera’ and will be involved in the promotion of the movie. She also says that she is planning to do two more movies soon.
  • Nisha has to finish some work of ‘How Funny’
  • Nisha clarified that Nisha is not planning to stay in the USA permanently. It was only a vacation tour to live with her brother.

Nisha further clarified that an artist doesn’t need to break up to go to a foreign country.

Nisha has also asked everybody not to believe in any reports without proper source or based on an actual interview. Nisha has actually replied the questions raised in the post and has told that she misses Nepal.

Although she has written long statement and has answered many questions, Nisha is not clear on her relationship status with Sharad.

Regarding the need to shave her head, Nisha has promised to write about it later. She has ruled out ‘illness’ stories or change in her ‘sexuality’.

In the question why Nisha has shaved her hair, she writes:

Nisha’s reply about her love for the country:

The main post that started the discussion:

And Nisha missing and Nepali missing:

The last photo shows Nisha Adhikari at the set of ‘How Funny’ sitting on the chair designated for her. That was months before she shaved her hair.

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