Binita Baral out of Chapali Height sequel, search going on for new actress

The Chapali Girl, the actress of ‘Chapali Height‘, actress Binita Baral is out of the sequel of the movie ‘Chabali height 2’. According to the producer Arjun Kumar has told that he had kicked her out of the movie because of her ego problem. But, Binita says that she has chosen not to do the movie. (click here to watch ‘Chapali Height’)

arjun kumar and binita baral chapali height 2

According to a report in an online portal, Arjun Kumar is looking for a new face to replace Binita Baral in the sequel. The  relationship between Arjun Kumar and Binita had also turned sour over the cover design of the movie (read the height of controversy over ‘Chapali Height‘). The government had objected the nudity in the cover and was asked to change it. The order had cost the film makers some Rs. 250,000 to redesign and reprint the posters.

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Binita Baral’s love story

In an interview to an online news portal, Binita Baral talked about her crush, love affair, and break-up. She talked about her first one-sided love story and the second two-way love story. Now, she says that she is free and single (reads ‘available’).


First love story:

In Grade 8, while studying in Chitwan she had crush towards a guy. She was instantly attracted to the new guy in the school. Although she was frank and spoke with every other boys in the school, she felt weak and helpless when she was in front of that guy. Once, she wrote a love letter to the boy in a very formal way. It started with ‘Sir’ and had a subject line ‘let me fall in love’. But, the guy didn’t accept the love letter – he tore her love letter and threw away. Binita was very sad and started  crying. The one sided love story continued until she left the school after SLC (grade 10th).

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