Nepali Movie – Dakshina

dakshinaNepali Movie -Dakshina
Starring: Niruta Singh, Bhuwan KC, Tulsi Ghimire, Satyajit Gajamer, Dolly Thapa, Rajaram Poudel, Pukar Gurung, Shrawan Ghimire etc.
DirectorTulsi Ghimire

The film ‘Dakshina’ is a presentation of Ajambari Films Pvt. Ltd. The movie features great music and heart touching story – probably one of the best movies of Tulsi Ghimire. In addition to directing Tulsi has also written the story ad did the editing of the film.
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Tulsi Ghimire, life in his own words

Following text is compiled from an interview of Tulsi Ghimire. In the text he has explained how he has started his career in the movie industry and his initial struggle.


I had a feeling that I had to be popular in any cost. From the childhood I was attracted to movie sector. Born in Kalingpong in India, I used to go to the shootings that were done in the area. My parents had suggested me to become a person who is “understood by the king and known to the people”.


Click on the image below for the profile of Tulsi Ghimire and the list of Tulsi’s movie posted in xnepali:
tulasi ghimire films


In my childhood I studied in Mani Memorial Primary School in Sindebung. Although there were classes for up to grade 4, I left the school after second grade.  In the school, they had an unique way of teaching the alphabets – the teacher used to write the alphabets in floor and we used to lay small pebbles on top of it. From grade 3 to grade 11 I studied in Scottish University Mission Institute (SUMI). Up to grade 5 we didn’t wear any footwear. There was no school dress.

Bombay (Mumbai) Journey

In around 1973 there was a shooting of a Hindi movie, “Romeo in Sikkim” in Sikkim. I went there and met the cameraman to tell that I was crazy to get into film making. He told, “If you are crazy enough why don’t you come to Bombay?” At the age of 22 I went to Bombay to enter the film industry. I went to the cameraman’s home. But, his house wasn’t what I expected. He told me to ‘struggle’.

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