Dalai Lama responds, “Buddha was born in Lumbini”

The “Buddha was born in Nepal” controversy has gone a long way when the Tibetian religious leader Dalai Lama told that Nepali people’s claim of Buddha’s birthplace is nonsense. The office of Dalai Lama has responded by a statement in their website that says: “We are concerned to know there was misunderstanding of the intent of his answer, and would like to clarify that His Holiness meant no disrespect towards his Nepalese brothers and sisters.” Read the full statement here.

What did Dalai Lama Say?

Dalai Lama was answering some questions raised by students in Meerut, India on 16 October 2017. One asked where was Buddha born, in India or Nepal. In response, Lama told that the statement that “some Nepalese people” made about Buddha’s birthplace being Nepal is a “nonsense”. He told, although the birth place now falls in Nepal – in ancient time, it was under greater Bharat. So, Buddha wasn’t born in Nepal or China or Tibet but in India.

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Rajesh Hamal says, The Lie Lama stooped low to gain political milage

In response to the latest statement of the Tibetan religious leader, Dalai Lama’s comment about the birthplace of Buddha, a lot of Nepali people have termed him as “The Lie Lama”. Nepali superstar, Rajesh Hamal, has also responded in retaliation against the Lama’s statement.

Hamal wrote, “I’m appalled by the statement made by so called bastion of Truth and Compassion. Not even in my wildest imagination I though he would stoop so low by distorting the Truth, just to gain political milage.”

He added, “Your holiness there is a saying ‘you can fool some people some time but you can’t fool all the people all the time’…”

What did Dalai Lama say?

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