From Sikkim to Nepal: Prashant Tamang brings Angalo Yo Maya Ko

UPDATE: The movie is available to watch here in xnepali. Watch ‘Angalo Yo Mayako’ here.

Former Indian Idol Prashant Tamang arrived in Kathmandu on Wednesday, for two days. He is here for the publicity for his upcoming film, “Angaalo Yo Maya Ko“. The movie is his second film after “Gorkha Paltan“. Gorkha Paltan was a big hit of last year.


The director of the movie, Binod Sereng, is hopeful that the film will be a hit like Gorkha Paltan. He said, “There is plus point in Prashant’s image as well as the film is of high quality in it’s presentation and technology”. Model Harshika shrestha has debuted as an actress in this film.

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