Rajesh Hamal flying to the US today

Nepali superstar is going to the USA to participate in various cultural programs on the occasions of the biggest festival in Nepal, Dashain. The Qatar Airways takes off in the evening today. He was invited by United Nepal to participate in Dashain Cultural program.


Apart from participating in cultural programs, he will celebrate Dashain and Tihar there and return back after Tihar. In previous years he used to celebrate Tihar with his foster sister, Maina Suchikar in
Khagendra Nava Jiwan Kendra. After the death of Maina, Hamal decided to celebrate Tihar with his own sisters living in the US.

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Rajesh Hamal's foster-sister Maina Suchikar died

Nepali top actor ‘s foster sister of 19 years, Maina Suchikar, has died of pneumonia on Monday Sept 10, 2012.  The disabled lady died while being treated for the last ten days in Shankarapur Hospital in Jorpati, Kathmandu.

While shooting for a movie named ‘Aparadh‘ in Khagendra Nava-Jeevan Kendra, Rajesh Hamal met Maina and started calling her his sister. After that day, Rajesh Hamal used to visit his sister on every Bhai-Tika and he also used to celebrate his birthday with her.

Rajesh Hamal is currently in a WWF program in Nepalgunj and woldn’t be ab
le to attend the last ritual of Maina.