7 NRN Actresses in Nepali movies, Shristi Shrestha to Meruna Magar

The entries of Non Resident Nepali (NRN) actresses in the Nepali movie industry is a new trend. So far, there are seven Nepali film actresses who have their permanent homes abroad. If India is to be considered foreign and residents in India are to be considered NRN, the number can go up considerably. But, I am excluding residents of South Asia for this article. I think, Nepali communities in India like Sikkim and Darjeeling are not foreign. We have never thought Niruta Singh, Tripti Naadkar, Tulsi Ghimire, or Sushmita KC as foreign actresses although they have their parental home in India.

All of these NRN actresses are Nepali actresses and, I have no intention to alienate them. I wish more NRN actors and actress enter Nepali movie industry. A video report on 7 NRN actresses:

Let me discuss in detail about each of the 7 actresses:

Prapti Ghimire

Actress Prapti Ghimire, a resident of Germany, debuted in ‘Kathmandu’. Prapti had also won a debut actress award at that time. But, after ‘Kathmandu’ she didn’t return back to the Nepali movie industry.
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Shristi Shrestha talks about Saugat Malla, ‘We are just friends’

Miss Nepal 2012 and actress Shristi Shrestha has opened her mouth about the rumour of Shristi Shrestha’s affair with actor Saugat Malla. There had be various rumours about their relationship and their meet-ups. Shristi Shrestha has responded to all of those rumours in a text-interview published in an online magazine.

About Shristi Shrestha going to meet Saugat Malla at the shooting location in Pokhara:


Shristi admitted the incident of her meeting Saugat Malla in Pokhara. But, she added, it was not a personal meeting. It so happened that Shristi was in Pokhara for the promotion of her debut movie ‘Gajalu’ and Saugat was in the shooting location in the same place. Being a friend, Shristi went to meet him. She added, the ‘Gajalu’ team was also with her when she met Saugat Malla in Pokhara.  Continue reading