Nepali Movie – Nirbhay (Nikhil Upreti, Neeta Dhungana)

Nepali Movie – Nirbhay
Starring – Nilkhil Upreti, Nita Dhungana, Bikash Chapagain, Sushil Pokhrel, Prajwol Giri, Pradeep Dhakal, Rashmi Bhatta etc.
Director – Madhusudan Bhattarai

An action movie by Prashiddhi Cine Arts and featuring action star Nikhil Upreti, ‘Nirbhay’ features Neeta opposite to Nikhil.

Watch the full movie here:
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Friday Release – Lappan Chhapan and Nirbhaya

It is a clash between the action star Nikhil Upreti and new age Dayahang Rai and Saugat Malla in theatre. Two awaited movies ‘Lappan Chhapan’ and ‘Nirbhaya’ were released in theatre on Friday – March 24, 2017.

Lappan Chhappan

The movie ‘Lappan Chhappan’ features the actors liked in multiplex cinema – Dahayang Rai and Saugat Malla. The movie directed by Mukunda Bhatta also features Arpan Thapa and Barsha Siwakoti. The stars have high hope from the gangster movie. The movie is also termed as ‘Loot 3’ by some as the movie features the same actors of Loot in leading roles. The actress, Barsha Siwakoti, seen in sober roles in her previous movies, has become a modern girl in ‘Lappan Chhappan’.
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