Anup Baral announces Dokh in his birthday (officially)

We had told about Anup’s new movie ‘Dokh’ and its story theme in our earlier post. Anup officially announced the movie during the celebration of his birthday on Saturday, April 4, at Shilpi Theater, Kathmandu. The birthday cake was specially designed to convey the theme of the movie – football game.

In the event, Anup cut his birthday cake and shared it with the artists and the crew. He also announced the film title and the production crew. The story of ‘Dokh’ was selected in a script writing contest. Rajan Kathet had written the story of the movie.

anup baral birthday cake

‘Dokh’ is the second movie of Anup Baral after directing his previous movie ‘Fitkiree’. The movie is being produced by the Australian company that had produced ‘Ritu’ (watch ‘Ritu’ here), ALP Entertainment.

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