Anup Baral to direct Dokh, a story of a football game

Actor and director Anup Baral is all set to start the shooting of a new movie titled ‘Dokh’. The movie featuring mostly the theater artists is scheduled to start the shooting this week.

Anup started film direction in ‘Fitkiri’ (watch ‘Fitkiri’ in full here). Although the movie was not as successful as expected, his theater play ‘Court Martial’ featuring actor was very successful. ‘Dokh’ will be his second directorial venture in Nepali movie industry.

anup baral

The script of ‘Dokh’ was selected in a competition held by the production company, ALP Entertainment. ALP Entertainment had previously made ‘Ritu’ (watch ‘Ritu’ in full here). The script by the writer of ‘Mokshya’, Rajan Kathayat, was selected for the movies. ‘Dokh’ is a story of a football match between two villages during the Maoist people’s war time.  The movies pictures the conflict and hatred through the football game.

For the preparation of the movie, the artists are being trained by a football trainer, Upendra Man Singh at Actors Studio.

The cast and crew is expected to head towards the shooting location in Bhojpur soon. 

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