Starring – Rajesh Hamal, Karishma Manandhar, Raj Timilsina, Sashi Khadka, Arunima Lama, Subhash Thapa etc.
Director – Ukesh Dahal
About ‘Kina Kina’
The adult themed movie by Dahal Films, ‘Kina Kina’ made news when the director announced for an actress to pose nude in the movie. Actress Arunima Lama agreed to do the role. The movie also features the love story of Rajesh Hamal and Karishma Manandhar. The movie produced by B Banjara features the screenplay of the director Ukesh Dahal and music of Mahesh Khadka. The movie was released on March 8, 2013.
Ukesh had previously produced and directed the first ‘A’ rated Nepali movie – ‘Palpalma‘. Later, the movie was released in Hindi by name ‘Jaane Kyun’. I also talked about the kiss competition in the movie and the censor problem until it was awarded an ‘A’ rating.