The President invites and congratulates Grima Pant for winning Best Actress Award

The ‘Jhol’ film actress Garima Pant became one of the best actress in SAARC region after winning the Best Actress award at SAARC Film Festival held in Sri Lanka. The President Ram Baran Yadav welcomed Garima at his residence Shital Niwas to congratulate the actress for winning the award.

Garima had gone to the President’s residence with the journalists. In the meeting the President congratulated Garima and told that she has made us proud. In response, Garima told that it was a very good opportunity for her. She also promised to do better in coming days.

The movie ‘Jhola’ is made on the story of Sati tradition during the time about 100 years ago. The move made on the story of Krishna Dharabasi was released in February. It was successful both critically and commercially and it also celebrated 51 days in theater.

You can read our review of ‘Jhola’ for more details on the movie.

garima and the team with the president

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