Third person involved in the split in Rekha Thapa and Shyama Bhattarai ?

In a latest report, Shyam Bhattarai has told that there is a third person who is responsible in creating problem in the relationship between Rekha Thapa and himself. In report, Shyam and Rekha have patched up and have agreed not to express their dissatisfaction publicly.

rekha thapa - sudarshan gautam and shyam bhattarai

According to a report in Merocinema, the disabled actor – Sudarshan Gautam is told to be involved in creating the issue between the producer and the director of the movie. The report says – Sudarshan has invested in the movie and he didn’t like Shyam Bhattarai so, he had asked Rekha to remove him. The website says that Rekha and Sudarshan are having an affair. Although Rekha is the official producer of the movie, Sudarshan has actually taken over all the production responsibility of the movie.

shyam bhattarai facebook status

In report, Sudarshan had told him to leave or else he would ask Rekha Thapa to kick out of the movie. After that, Shyam took refuge to a nearby hotel for two days and waited for Rekha to call him back. When Rekha didn’t respond, he went to Kathamndu.

In addition to the money of Sudarshan, Film Development Board chief Pappu has also invested in the movie. Pappu has also written the story of the movie. Shyam Bhattarai had improved Pappu’s story and made it into the script of the movie.

Although Shyam Bhattarai has indicated an involvement of a third person in the problem in his Facebook post (screenshot attached) the truth will be revealed when the investigation of Film Director’s Guild is complete.

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