Yeti : Mystery and New "Yeti Foot"

Yeti Foot printYeti is a mysterious creature which is supposed to be living in high Himalaya in Nepal Tibet border. But due to lack of evidence, it has remained sort of a mythical creature.

But in a recent report, some explorers and TV crew have claimed to find an evidence of its existence.

In the photo below, explorer Josh Gates shows the ‘Yeti foot’ in Kathmandu on Friday. A team of American explorers and TV crew found this ‘mysterious Yeti-footprint’ at Manjushree near Mt. Everest earlier this month. The abominable snowman, Yeti, is believed to live in the higher Himalayas in Nepal and Tibet. However, no scientific evidence of its existence has been found so far.

(Photo: Gopal Chitrakar, Kantipur)
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Nepal – 13th major students supplier to US

Institute of International Education with support from the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs published a report on November 12, 2007 stating that inflow of Nepali students in US has increased by 25% as compared to the previous year. With this increase, Nepal has become the 13th major students’ supplier to the US. The red line in the following graph shows the Number of students enrolled in universities and purple line gives the trend of increase in percentage share of foreign students by Nepali students. Year is given in Nepali calendar Bikram Sambat(BS) and the current year is 2064.

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Vietnam – Hoang Thuy Linh – Paris Hilton type scandal

In America, Paris Hilton’s notorious sex tape started her career in the glamour industry but in Vietnam, an online sex video starring TV sweetheart Hoang Thuy Linh has question marked her career!

In Vietnam, however, this 19-year-old’s online antics has the entire nation calling them — and her — an unforgiveable disgrace.

In “Vang Anh’s Diaries,” Thuy Linh starred as a high school girl who upholds Vietnam’s traditional virtues. Translation? Women are chaste — not churning with sexual desire. Then the 16-minute video hit. Thanks to four college students who posted the clip on the Internet on October 15, the world watched this teen queen and her former boyfriend do the nasty knowing that the camera was on them.

In no time, her TV show was dumped by her network. The tearful actress in national TV said, “I made a mistake, a terrible mistake. I apologize to you, my parents, my teachers and my friends.”

But “damage” was already done! Her boyfriend will be forgiven but she won’t! (more photos of her below.)
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Letter to husband – condom attached

Women in a Pang VDC – 7 in Parbat, Western Nepal, are told to be mailing condoms to their husbands working overseas to protect them from sexually transmitted diseases.

They wrote letters urging them not to have sex with others — but they have been enclosing condoms just in case.

“As I learned that unsafe relations make a person vulnerable to HIV, I send condom along with the letter to my husband,” says Laxmi Sunar, member of the local women’s group, adding, “Hesitating to talk about sexual relations will not help. We should change behavior.” (Kantipur)

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Top 10 Best Flag Designs, Nepal should have been one of them

In 2007, a website named Yard Flags has a collection of 10 best flags design from around the world. The top 10 list had missed the unique Nepali flag. Now, after 9 years, I saw that the website has gone offline. It was an interesting post so I am updating this post with the missing flags and a video report.

At that time, I had wanted tell the site admin about the uniqueness of Nepali flag and why it deserves to be on the top list. The site required to register before I could write a comment. So, I wrote a blog post to send a trackback. I wrote, “I believe the Number One design is Nepali flag.”

The reason Nepali flag should have been one of the top is because of it’s unique shape. No other flags in the world are shaped like a Nepali flag. All the flags in the world are rectangular in shape and Nepali flag is the only flag with two triangles. The flag is painted with red color in the inside and a blue border. The the shapes of moon on the upper triangle and the sun in the lower triangle are coloured in white.

Here is the “Top 10” list from this page.

10. Plenty of world flags contain dragons, but none quite as cool as the small Himalayan nation of Bhutan.

9 ) The flag of Toronto has a pleasing 1970-s style minimalism to it. Looks as if the Canadian flag has fallen down a gap in the giant T.

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"Restaurants" and Vulture Conservation in Nepal

Believe it or not “restaurants” are being set-up for vultures in Nepal. These restaurants are targeted to preserve the wild vultures that have seen a huge decrease in their population owing to inappropriate meal. The vulture population in Nepal is estimated to have fallen to a mere 500 nesting pairs from at least 50,000 pairs in 1990.

In 2004 researchers working in Pakistan discovered that diclofenac, an anti-inflammatory drug used in livestock, was poisoning and killing vultures (29 July 2006, BBC). Nepal started producing a new cattle drug meloxicam, which is considered a safe alternative for anti-inflammatory diclofenac, and it is intended to halt a big decline in endangered vultures. (August 04 2006, iol). Although the use of diclofenac is prohibited in Nepal and neighbouring India, but the ban is widely ignored.
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