Bhuwan KC daughter marriage – high profile people including ex-king participated

Actor Bhuwan KC had organized a huge party on the occasion of his daughter’s marriage. In the party, high profile gusts were invited including ex-King Gyanendra Shah. Ex-king arrived one hour before the party began and left offering his best wishes to the new couple and having a cup of black coffee.


Participants included speaker of the house Subash Nebwang, Chief of Army Chatra Man Gurung, ex-prime ministers Madhav Kumar Nepal and Surya Bahadur Thapa.

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Miss UK Nepal 2011 – Gaumaya Gurung

Congratulation Miss UK Nepal 2011 Gaumaya Gurung.

The 19 year-old winner Gaumaya Gurung lives in Watford, London and is 5ft 2in tall.

Also, congratulations to Pragya Shrestha the first runner-up and Neelam Gurung the second runner-up. The event was organized on November 19, 2011.