3-days-long hunger strike of Bimal, Agraj and Mausami ended

Hunger strike of film related people ended today (Thursday) at 4 pm after Minister for Information and Communications, Raj Kishor Yadav agreed to fulfill their demands and offered juice to the strikers.


President of Director Society, Bimal Poudel, Secretary of Director Society, M.S. Agraj and President of Women Film Actors’ Association, Mausami Malla were in hunger strike asking the government to fulfill their 9 points demand. Poudel started the hunger strike on Monday saying that he won’t eat anything until the demands were met. Supporting Poudel’s demand, Agraj joined from Tuesday and Malla joined them on Wednesday.

In a report, Mausami Malla was diagnosed of a tumor near her uterus and had just finished a 10-day-long bed rest prior to the hunger strike. Although her friends had asked her not to join the strike, she had insisted on participating in the strike, instead of meeting the doctor to schedule the date of the surgery.

Minister Yadav and President of National Film Protection Committee, Nir Shah, has signed jointly in the paper with 9 points demand and minister Yadav has assured to implement them at the earliest and that president of Film Development Board will be appointed by tomorrow (Friday).

Rudrakshya, audio released, movie on December 21

A suspense thriller movie ‘Rudrakshya’ is going to be released in theaters all over Nepal on Friday, December 21, 2012 (Poush 6th). On Thursday, a program was organized in Kathmandu to release it’s music. The music CD was released by Film Producer Association president Raj Kumar Rai.

Talking in the program, actor Sunil Thapa remembered the movie ‘Chino’ from which he was popular by the name Rate Kaila. After the release of ‘Rudrakshya’ Sunil Thapa thinks that his new name will be ‘Pale Dai’. Sunil Thapa is seen in different get-up in pr
omotion posters of the movie.

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Gauri Malla met Manisha Koirala in hospital, shared experiences

On 12/12/12 Nepali actress Gauri Malla met actress Manisha Koirala in the hospital in New York where she is recovering from a surgery. That was the third day of the surgery and Manisha was still in the intensive care unit (ICU). Although others were not allowed to visit Manisha, Mridula Koirala helped Gauri to meet Manisha.  (Gauri’s article here)

In the short article Gauri wrote after the visit, she said that she felt sad on the news about Manisha made based on rumors. She says that Manisha looked healthy and beautiful in the hospital bed.

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