Jaljala to be released in Kathmandu on Jan 11

A movie made on the story of Maoist civil war in Nepal, ‘Jaljala’ is going to be released in theaters on January 11, 2012. The movie features Rekha Thapa, Aayush Rijal, Kamal Krishna, Kishor Khatiwada, and late Gopal Bhutani in main roles.

rekha thap combat-jaljala

‘Jaljala’ features actress Rekha Thapa as a Maoist combatant and it will try to justify the Maoist revolution. The mo
vie directed by Shivaji Lamichane also feature the political problem in Nepal because of foreign pressure.

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Malina Joshi star opposite to Raj Ballav in ‘Ritu’

Former Miss Nepal Malina Joshi has decided to start acting in movies. After being featured in a song in upcoming movie ‘Kollywood‘, Malina seem to like the field and has signed up to star in ‘Ritu’.

Most of the shooting of the movie ‘Ritu’ is planned to be done in Australia and Malina has already left for Aus
tralia for the shooting. With Malina actor Raj Ballav Koirala is also in Australia.

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