MaHa Jatra 2071 starting on May 9

On Wednesday, May 7 a press meet was organized at Briks Café in Kupondole, Lalitpur to inform about MaHa Jatra 2071. The stage show of the popular comedy duo Madan Krishna Shrestha and Hari Bansha Acharya is being organized after a long time.

maha jatra 2014

In the press meet Rajaram Poudel and Kiran KC had proposed to term the duo the ‘Hasya Samrat’. In response, Haribansha told that they were content with the title ‘MaHa’ for now. He also told that it was Rajaram who had first called them MaHa during the stage show ‘Bigyapan’. After that, the duo is known as MaHa – a word meaning honey in Nepali.

Press Meet video:

MaHa Jatra 2071 - press meet to announce the comedy stage show

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Not-much-Damdar, the promotion of Rekha Thapa movie

The promotion of Rekha Thapa‘s upcoming movie ‘Damdar’, releasing on this Friday is nothing like the name. Although the producer Suman Bista and the director Kamal Krishna are promoting the movie according to their might, the lead actor Sabin Shrestha and actress Rekha Thapa aren’t seen doing their part.

damdar poster

Sabin says that he is promoting the movie on his own but, the film production team hasn’t contacted him for the promotion. Rekha Thapa is also busy promoting her own movie ‘Himmatwali’, scheduled to release after 6 months.

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