Richa Sharma hot appearance in Junge, trailer released

The trailer of upcoming movie ‘Junge’ was released in a program held in Kathmandu on March 20. The movie featuring Suraj Singh Thakuri, Richa Sharma, Anup Baral and Dpsikha Shahi in leading role features Suraj Singh in action role whereas actress Richa is featured in hot appearance.

reecha sharma hot aperance in junge trailer

The movie directed by Utkal Thapa features the cinematography of Susan Prajapati, script of Subash Koirala and the dialogue of SS Agraj. In the program, the director, Thapa, wasn’t present as he is currently in Australia. In a video message director Utkal Thapa told that the the movie is about the historical figure Junga Bahadur Rana in the present context.

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Nepali artists in Bollywood (Video)

The Bollywood film industry is considered one of the largest film industry in the world. The movie industry has gone worldwide because of the popularity of the movies. The opportunity to be a part of the film industry is very difficult. In such an environment, few Nepali artists have established themselves as credible artists. The following video discusses the Nepali artists in Bollywood:

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Nepali artists in Bollywood

In addition to the artists mentioned above, other Nepali artists who worked in Bollywood include Jharana Bajracharya (in Love in Nepal) and Karishma Manandhar (in Danga Fasad).

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