Nepali Movie – Majboor

majboor_film Nepali Movie – Majboor
StarringBiraj Bhatt, Anuska Dhakal, Krishna Bhatta, Sangh Ratna Manandhar, Anita KC, Baldip Rai, Kamal Krishna etc.
Director Deepak Shrestha

About ‘Majboor’

Deepak Shrestha’s movie ‘Majboor’ features Biraj Bhatt and the new entry actress, Anuska Dhakal in leading roles. “Majboor” is a typical masala movie containing all the ingredients that are liked by general movie goers. The movie features action, love, family drama, emotion and glamour all in one. Deepak Shrestha is known for directing masala movies and he has been pretty good in them.

The movie is a presentation of Prasadi Cine Makers P. Ltd. by Deek Khadka.

Watch full movie ‘Majboor’
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Top 5 Nominations of Kamana Award 2016

The nominations for this year’s award by the oldest Nepali film magazine, Kamana, has been announced on October 5, 2016. In the nomination list published the nominations in 26 categories by a press release:

  1. ‘Nai Nabhannu La 4’ has been nominated in the most number of awards – in 21 categories
  2. ‘Prem Geet’ is nominated in 19 categories
  3. ‘Classic’ has won 17 nominations
  4. ‘Woda Number 6’ has 14 nominations
  5. ‘Pashupati Prasad’ has won 12 nomination

Dayahang Rai and Priyanka Karki are nominated both in Best Actor / Best Actress category and Best Supporting Actor/Actress categories.


These top 5 movies are also nominated for the Best Film category. Three of these movies are also available to watch in full, here in xnepali.

Other movies nominated in different categories are also available to watch.

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