Friday Release – The Winner

UPDATE – ‘The Famous’ release is postponed to next week. So, ‘The Winner’ is the solo release this week (the post will be updated later). **

Two new movies, both with English names – ‘The Winner’ and ‘The Famous’ are releasing in theater this Friday on November 4, 2016. The movie ‘The Famous’ is directed by Samir Balami and ‘The Winner’ is directed by Hikmat Bista.


The Winner

‘The Winner’ featuring actress Malina Joshi with Maheshman Shrestha, Manchin Shakya, Reshu Tamang and Amit Giri is shot in various locations in Kathmandu, Australia, and Dubai. The movie is told to be the most expensive Nepali movie to date. The film makers have told that they have tried their best to give it a Bollywood / Hollywood flavour.
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Rajesh Hamal mocked public holiday on Indian President visit to Nepal

Nepali superstar, Rajesh Hamal has mocked the decision by the Nepal government to declare a public holiday on the day Indian president Pranab Mukharjee visited Nepal. On the occasion of the official visit of the Indian president, curfew was imposed on the streets in Kathmandu and offices were closed all over Nepal. In a recent post Rajesh Hamal expressed his surprise on the curfew imposed on the day of the President’s visit.

A while earlier, in a Facebook post, Rajesh Hamal had written: The head of the present Nepal Government who ironically, once upon a time propagated the concept of ‘New Nepal’ has in course of time shaken the very foundation of being Nepali. The protocol amongst sovereign states should be on a reciprocal basis. I am eagerly waiting for the day when India/China will declare a national holiday when our President makes a state visit to those countries.

A video report:

It was the first such visit of Indian president in almost two decades. The government has cited the security reason for the holiday declaration. The prime minister Puspa Kamal Dahal will be most adversely affected by such a step.
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Pooja Sharma cut cake on Shah Rukh Khan Birthday

Nepali actress has shown an extreme fan-love towards Bollywood film star, Shah Rukh Khan. On the 51st birthday of Shah Rukh, Pooja Sharma and the crews of her upcoming movie ‘Ma Yesto Geet Gauchhu’ ordered a cake. Pooja cut the cake and shared it with her friends.

In the following video Pooja is seen very excited to celebrate her favourite star’s birthday:

Actress Pooja Sharma debuted in ‘3 Lovers’ with another actress Priyanka Karki. Pooja’s last movie ‘Prem Geet’ was liked by the viewers. She is currently busy in the making of the sequel of the movie ‘Ma Yesto Geet Gauchhu’. The producer of ‘Prem Geet’ has also announced another sequel titled ‘Prem Geet 2’.
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Triangular Love Story reaches police station – Saugat, Shristi and Soni

The triangular love story between Saugat Malla, Shristi Shrestha and Soni KC has taken a new twist. In a report, Saugat Malla has lodged a complaint against Soni KC, the model who reportedly was having an affair with Saugat Malla before.

Video report:

These days there is a rumour of affair between Saugat Malla, the Haku Kale of ‘Loot’ and Shristi Shrestha, the ‘Gajalu’ debut actress. After such report, Soni had started posting tragic comments in her Facebook page. Lately, she is reportedly being aggressive against Shristi Shrestha. In phone conversation with Saugat Malla, Soni had uttered threats including bodily harms by throwing acid on Shristi to as extreme as killing.

Saugat has told that he has recorded the call of Soni and believes she is serious in her threats.
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