Ex King Gyanendra visits Shital Niwas, on president daughter marriage, the venue of his own marriage

On January 16, 2016, the ex-King of Nepal, Gyanendra Shah visited Shital Niwas – the president’s government residence to participate in the marriage of the younger daughter of the president, Bidhya Devi Bhandari. It was a coincidence that Shital Niwas was also the venue of the marriage of Gyanendra Shah some 46 years ago. At that time, the venue was used for royal events and as a guest house for foreign dignitaries. As a prince, Gyanendra Shah had married Komal Rajya Laxmi Shah in 2027 BS.

Video report:

ज्ञानेन्द्रले सम्झिए आफ्नै बिवाह - Gyanendra visits Shital Niwas, Nisha Kusum marriage

During the marriage ceremony, Gyanendra was surrounded by the leaders of Rastriya Prajatantra Party (RPP). RPP is the party formed by the former Panchayat System leaders. The party led by Kamal Thapa and Lokendra Bahadur Chand is considered pro-monarchy and pro-Hinduism. Gyanendra told, “I remember the days of my marriage.”

In the recent days, Gyanendra has been releasing politically motivated press statements. He had expressed his dissatisfaction over the way the leaders have been working and the foreign influence in the Nepali politics.
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Deepak Raj Giri answers on the accusation on the death of the Chhaka Panja piracy suspect

After being accused and arrested by the police, one of the four suspects, Krishna Subedi, was released on bail. But, he later committed suicide accusing it being a murder. In social network, Deepak Raj Giri was accused of being the cause of death. In response, Deepak Raj Giri, has asked the police to do an investigation and find the truth and has asked everybody to believe that he is innocent. A video report on what Deepak had to say:

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