A Movie, Assassination of the Nepalese Royal Family, to be made

After 10 years of the royal mishap in which, almost all of the members of the Royal family were killed, a movie is going to made on the story. Nirak Poudel, the son of the owner of Gopi Krishna Theater and TV Filmy television channel, Uddav Poudel, has told that the investigation on the subject was going on for the last one and a half years.


Nirak says, it might take another two years until the movie is ready. Currently the production team is studying the news in newspaper and television at that time. The script writing of the movie named Assassination of the Nepalese Royal Family is planned to start in six month.

Conspiracy Theories

Although then prince, Deependra, was found guilty by the government formed investigation team, there are a lot of unanswered questions. The chairman of Communist Party of Nepal, Maoists, Prachanda, in a public gathering also stated that the massacre was planned by India.

As, only the family members of Gyanendra survived the incident, the general public believe Gyanendra planned the executed the killings. Althoug the two survivors of the incident, Gyanendra’s son Paras and his wife Komal both confirmed Dipendra doing the shooting in a BBC documentary, Nepali people are not willing to believe them.

In a book named Raktakunda, based on the interviews with another survivor, Queen Mother Ratna’s personal maid, the author says that two men masked as Dipendra fired the guns.

Other movies and documentaries

An Indian actor, Dev Anand had announced his intention to make a movie in the story of the royal massacre. But, there is no follow up news on whether he had any concrete plans or only a dream.

BBC Channel 4 documentary on Royal Massacre was mainly based on the interviews with the surviving royal relatives and political leaders.

Discovery Channel had also made a documentary on the Royal Massacre.

It is another question if Nirak can do justice with such a story. Yes, making a movie (or, documentary) on royal assassination is a big task. Uddav Poudel and the team is one of the biggest, influential, and resourceful family in Nepali movie industry.

Let’s hope they will go beyond investigating the published news and won’t make it a "masala" movie, Uddav Poudel and his team is used to making.

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