Anmol KC to romance with Aditi Budhathoki in Kri, new actress in every movies of Anmol

A model, Aditi Budhathoki, is selected to be featured opposite to Anmol KC in his upcoming movie ‘Kri’. With the selection of a new actress in the movie, Anmol KC has worked with a new entry actress in every movies he has been featured so far. Anmol is a rare actor in the Nepali movie industry, all of whose movies have been successful, so far.

Here is the list of movie Anmol KC has done and is doing so far:

  • ‘Hostel’ with Prakriti Shrestha (Watch ‘Hostel’ here)
  • ‘Jerryy’ with Aana Sharma (Watch ‘Jerryy’ here)
  • ‘Dreams’ with Samragyee RL Shah
  • ‘Gajalu’ with Shristi Shrestha
  • ‘Kri’ with Aditi Budhathoki

Video report :

अनमोल मन्त्र: नयाँ फिल्म नयाँ हिरोइन | Anmol KC to romance with Aditi Budhathoki in Kri

When asked in an interview if he asks the producer for new actresses in his movies, Anmol told that he doesn’t say so. He says, it was just a coincidence that all of his actress have debuted in his movie.

Who is Aditi Budhathoki?

Aditi Budhathoki is a blogger and a social media celebrity. With more than 100k followers in Instagram, Atiti is quite popular among Nepali youths. As, Anmol KC is popular among Nepali girls, Aditi is popular among boys. That makes a huge backup for the upcoming movie ‘Kri’.

Aditi has been active in modelling assignments for the last few years. She has worked in a number of platforms in India. (I will update more about Aditi after a while).

aditi budhathoki and anmol kc in kri

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