Appa Sherpa set new Mt. Everest record of 19 accents

Well done Appa! Congratulation on your new record on the top of the world for the 19th time.

appa_the super serpa

Appa Sherpa reached the top of Mt. Everest on May 21, 2009 at 8 am for the 19th time to break his own record of 18 ascents, last year. Appa was leading Eco Everest Expedition 2009.

It was not an easy expedition as this climbing season saw one of the worst weather conditions. The expedition was struck by tragedy on May 7 when Lhakpa Nuru, a high altitude climber, died in an avalanche and two of the team members gave up summit hopes and returned to Kathmandu.

After the failed first attempt in 1988 Appa climbed the peak for the first time in 1990. That is, 19 accents in 20 years.

Previous post – Apa Sherpa to conquer Mt. Everest 19th time

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