Archana Paneru to debut in Chhesko, Full history of Jism controversy

The actress who was going to debut in upcoming movie ‘Jism’ has told that she is no longer involved in the movie. She has told that she is going to complain to the Film Development Board to stop its release. Instead of ‘Jism’, Archana has said that she is going to debut in the June 3, 2016 release movie, ‘Chhesko’.

Watch the following video report on the incident:

About ‘Chhesko’ movie

The movie shot and ready to release last year was delayed by the earthquake. The movie made on the story of drug abuse among Nepali youths is produced by Durga Bista. The movie featuring actors Rajan Karki in leading role also features Poojana Pradhan in guest role. Other actors include Rabin Baidhya, Anjit Khadka, Pabitra Acharya and Shristi Century. The role of Archana Paneru is added in the movie recently.

One of the posters of ‘Chhesko’ mentions that the movie is only for the viewers 18 years olds and older.

chhesko poster

‘Jism’ Controversy

The director of ‘Jism’ Raju Giri is known to use controversy for the promotion of his movies. I think, the current ‘Jism’ controversy is also one of his pre-planned promotional strategy. The movie went to floor without approval, he used press meet to apologize and announced the name to be changed to ‘Archana’. Film Development Board however approved the name ‘Jism’. Now, at the time of the release of the movie, the lead actress has told that she won’t let it release.

Initially, Archana’s mother was also going to be featured in the movie. But, actress Suvekshya Thapa took that role. Archana has accused that Suvekshya is featured in better role than herself in the movie.

When the past records of Raju Giri is looked into, he had deliberately used actresses for the promotion of the movies. It is likely that he is using the same strategy with ‘Jism’.  Here are some of the past incidents I have covered about Raju Giri’s controversial relationship with his actresses.

Video reports:

Details about the issue between Archana and Suvekshya:

The first look poster only features Archana Paneru not Suvekshya (April end)

Raju Giri told that he is changing the name of the movie to ‘Archana’ (March end, 2016)

But, on the very next day, the name ‘Jism’ was approved by FDB (April Start, 2016)

A report on the arrest of the film team in Pokhara (March 2nd week)

Archana accused four film producers and directors of indecent proposals (February end, 2016:

A report on Archana Paneru debuting in ‘Jism’ (Ferburay 2016)

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