Deepawali celebration of Nepali artists (2015 Photo feature)

Like last year, I have collected the photos of the Nepali celebrities celebrating Laxmi Puja. (Visit 2014 Diwali celebration photo feature)

A video report on the Diwali celebration of Nepali actresses:

Photo report:

Photo 1 – Actress Karishma Manandhar decorating the rangoli she made. Choreographer Govinda Rai was also with Karishma during the decoration:

karishma manandhar diwali rangoli

Photo 2 – Actress Ashma DC worshiping the goddess Laxmi on Laxmi Puja. Ashma had also made a rangoli before the evening worship.

Photo 3 – Actress Priyanka Karki making a rangoli in front for her house for the diwali celebration.

Photo 4 – Model Tirsana Budhathoki worships Laxmi :

Photo 5 – Actress Rajani KC takes a selfie shot during the Laxmi Puja celebration. (Rajani’s movie ‘Paradeshi’ is currently running in theater)

Photo 6 – Actress Reema Bishowkarma makes a rangoli for Laxmi Puja celebration:

Photo 7 – Actress Jharana Thapa and her decoration:

Photo 8 – Actress Rekha Thapa worships goddess Laxmi. Rekha’s mother, ‘Lootera’ producer Gopal Kayastha and ‘Rampyari’ director Shabir Shrestha are also with rekha during the celebration.

Photo 9 – Second photo of Rekha Thapa, playing with fireworks. Although fuel, medicine and cooking gas are blocked at the Indian border, it is apparent that the non-essential fireworks have been allowed to enter in Nepal.

Photo 10 – Keki Adhikari had a figure of Ganesh in her rangoli.

Photo 11 -Actress Nandita KC prepared a rangoli in her sister’s home.

Photo 12 – Actress Saranga Shrestha is celebrating Tihar for the first time in the last 14 years in her maternal home with her mother. A resident of the USA, Saranga is visiting Nepal her daughter now.

Photo 13 – Actress Surabina Karki has shared the following photo saying her mom said that rather than worship goddess Laxmi, she would be happy if we worship our work.

Photo 14 – ‘Jerryy’ actress Anna Sharma poses with Diwali diyo. (watch ‘Jerryy’ here)

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