Friday Release – Buddha Born in Nepal and Homework

Two new Nepali movies are releasing in theaters in Nepal today, on May 20, 2016 – ‘Homework’ and ‘Buddha Born in Nepal’. The movie about Buddha, is a presentation of actor Ramit Dhungana and another movie ‘Homework’ is a Gopi Krishna movies presentation.

friday release homework and budda born in nepal

Buddha Born in Nepal

The movie made to give a message that Gautam Buddha was born in Nepal is made to create awareness on the fact. The movie written and directed by Gyanendra Deuja features the producer Ramit Dhungana with Ashishma Nakarmi, Mithila Sharma, Nir Shah, Manita Lama and Amit Dhungana in main roles.

Ramit Dhungana had been living in the USA for a while. At that time , he felt the need to inform the world about the true birthplace of Buddha. The movie was shot in various locations in Kathmandu and Lumbini. The movie is scheduled to release at the time of Buddha Jayanti.

Watch a trailer of ‘Buddha Born in Nepal’

BUDDHA BORN IN NEPAL Official Trailer 2016/2073 | Ramit Dhungana, Amit Dhungana, Ashisma Nakarmi


The movie produced and directed by Nirak Poudel is made on the story of Shivam Adhikari. The movie made on the story of the relationship between a father and a son. Both father and son characters feature actor Aryan Sigdel. With Aryan other artists in the movie are Namrata Shrestha, Gauri Malla, and Bijaya Lama.

Watch a trailer of ‘Homework’

New Nepali Movie Trailer - "Homework" Official Trailer || Aryan Sigdel, Namrata Shrestha

One thought on “Friday Release – Buddha Born in Nepal and Homework

  1. I wish buddha was never born as i had to suffer as childmonk in the hell of pedophilia in monastic schools.i do not think anybody in their rightmind can survive years of monastic life unless they are inducted as childmonks and is hightime that truth insidemonastic schools should comeout just as of catholic churches.i am gyanchandra shakya former rev sasanapala who studied in sri lanka 1987-1997 aged 13-23.

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