Friday Release – Shubha Love and Saili

Two new Nepali movies are released in theatre on March 29, 2019. An astrologer turned actor, Harihar Adhikari is featured in leading role in ‘Shubha Love’. The celebrity astrologer was popular in assisting actors to succeed in the film industry. Harihar’s entry as an actor is being closely watched by the film industry.

Another movie, ‘Saili’ was also highly hyped because of the success of the song by the name. The movie was made as a prequel of the song.
‘Subha Love’ introduces Harihar with actress Christin Poudel. Like his real life, Adhikari is also featured as an astrologer in the movie. The movie presented by Pradeep Uday features Surya Thapa, Saroj Khanal, Rajaram Poudel, Raja Rajendra Pokharel, Rabindra Jha and others. The movie has been highly promoted in various media.

Saili is the movie by a popular director – Ram Babu Gurung. Ram Babu is known for his movies ‘Kabaddi’ and ‘Kabaddi Kabaddi’. The movie is about a guy who goes to foreign country for work. The movie features Menuka Pradhan and Gaurav Pahadi in leading role. Dayahang Rai, Maotse Gurung, Prakash Ghimire and Arun Karki are also in the main role in the film.
The premier show of the movie was held on Thursday. The viewers had mixed reaction to the movie.

While ‘Shubha Love’ have all new actors, ‘Saili’ has well known and seasoned actors. The movie is also directed by well known director. A lot of people know them because of the popularity of the song. But, the song in itself is the whole story of the movie. So, there might not be the mystery or curiosity in the movie because, everybody knows what will happen at the end. It is a challenge to bind the viewers in the movie. It is to be seen who will win in the battle of these two love stories.

Which one will win?
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