Former King Gyanendra Interview Video – Monarchy is not finished yet…

After three years of being a general public, former king Gyanendra has indicated that he can see his role widening in the country. Gyanendra thinks the people still love him and one day he will be a king again. When asked what might be the reason for the end of monarchy, Gyanendra told, “I think monarchy is not finished in first place…”.

To answer a question about his future plans, Gyanendra told, “Stay in Nepal, serve Nepal, serve Nepali. My plan was the same in the past and will be same in the future.”

Interview courtesy Avenues TV.

Part 1
Nepal Former King Interview 1.wmv

Part 2

Nepal Former King Interview 2.wmv

4 thoughts on “Former King Gyanendra Interview Video – Monarchy is not finished yet…

  1. nepalese people are so dump that they don’t actually understand anything.all these people coming in kathmandu valley for various strikes and rallies are so poor, they even can’t feed themself and their family, on the other hand all these people from kathmandu and its surroundings they don’t care what is going on in their own city.they watch television, listen fms and read papers then that will be their daily way of conversation.all these politicians are very much benefited cos our nepalese people who live in village or remote area are really be honest they don’t have much knowledge about our current political situations.they will be given free transport, free food like a picnic,due to these things most of these people easily travel kathmandu to hav some fun and to make these mouse like politicians dream plans (strikes and rallies) successful.
    nobody thought our country will be like this.our country will be worst than now later on, we just have to wait and watch.nothing going to is same, people are same and these rats(politicians) are same.
    the only one things we can do is, whoever understand the situation of our country or the impact due to these strikes and rallies have to to put his feet forward and try to aware people about the impact.all the televison channels have to do whatever it takes to make these things possible.moreover all nepalese people should treat each other with respect.
    jaye nepaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

  2. Raj first of all get your language good enough to write online. Your english is so bad i cannot understand what you worte. Now regarding the interview this is my opinion. The king made mistakes but the stupid political leaders made bigger mistakes to take the country into further distress. If i had to choose between the king to this dumb politicians i would choose this king. Weh nwe had king we had only one palace now we have many palaces. Each of these politicians have property bigger than the royal palace. Now i think monarchy has not died yet. Because it is still alive in the eharts of Nepalese people and i know these politicians are going to screw up and the people will go back to the king for help. That is what every nepalese should think about that.

  3. ahhhahahhahah kasto dahi chure kura… you are wrong man. we do not wnat the king like you. we can give you the sympathy not the Country….In my previous post I wrote King Governed rather Monnarchy………. Because Nepali people can give you Sympathy not the Nepal……….

  4. Here I would like to comment on the Avenues writing that king said Restablishment of King governed country not the end of King governed country.

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