Himmatwali poster released on new year

The poster of action movie ‘Himmatwali’ was released on the New Year – 2071. The movie initially directed by Shyam Bhattarai was replaced by actress and producer Rekha Thapa herself. Rekha is accused of using Shyam Bhattarai to shot the most difficult parts of the movie and sending him away after that.

himmatwali poster

Taking the cue of the success of her previous movie ‘Kali‘ which was released in Dashain festival, the new movie is also scheduled to release on Dashain festival.

The female oriented action movie features the action direction of Chandra Pant, cinematography of Ramsharan Upreti, music of Basanta Sapkota and Tanka Budhathoki, choreography of Basanta Shrestha and Kamal Rai.

In addition to Rekha Thapa, the movie also features Sudarshan Gautam, Abhaya Chand, and Puskar Bhatta in main roles. The movie is going through the post production.  Rekha expects to benefit from the controversy and rumors in the promotion of the movie.

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