Inter caste marriages of Nepali actresses, what did Samriddhi Rai say about Rai guys?

Intercaste marriage is still a taboo in Nepali society. People have higher affiliation towards their own religion. Young generations are also obsessed by the caste and even the Gotra, a religious categorization of people in the society. One of the most striking public display of the truth on what the people think about their caste was seen when model and journalist Samriddhi Rai told that she didn’t want to marry the guy in her own caste. She told she didn’t want to look at a Rai guy, because she was forced by her family members to do so. She told she wanted to be a Nepali rather than a girl of Rai-clan.

Samriddhi Rai had to face a lot of protest. She was threatened to be boycotted by the Rai community. When things went nasty, she also released a video with an apology. I did a video report on Samriddhi case. At the time of this writing, the video is watched by 23 K people and there are 79 comments in it. (The video is attached below)

After the Samriddhi Rai incident, I decided to do a small research on the Nepali celebrities who had tied their knot with the partner of different caste. I was surprised to find a lot of celebrities who had chosen the partner of another caste. Preparing a report on all of them would be a long report, so I decided to focus on actresses. Here is the list of 10 actresses who had done inter-caste marriage.

Caste is a man-made categorization. Going intercaste is the demand of time. I have even heard that the children of inter-caste couple are much more intelligent than those born to same-caste couple (this is just a general belief, I don’t have any scientific proof to prove it.)

The list of actresses who did inter-caste marriage are:/

  1. Karishma Manandhar (Karishma KC married Binod Manandhar)
  2. Pooja Chand (Pooja Pariyar married Suraj Chand and recently Raju Lama)
  3. Saranga Shrestha (Ramesh Karki)
  4. Melina Manandhar (Mukesh Dhakal)
  5. Usha Khadgi (GP Timilsina)
  6. Zenisha Moktan (Dikesh Malhotra)
  7. Diya Maskey (Anup Baral)
  8. Prakriti Shrestha (Sudeep Neupane)
  9. Sweta Khadka (Shree Krishna Shrestha)
  10. Harshika Shrestha, Jharana Bajracharya, Bipana Thapa (foreign nationals)

Watch Smaraddi Rai case:

Please comment about what you think about intercaste marriages?

inter caste marriage of Nepali actresses

I missed some of the well known celebrities in the videos. A lot of viewers have suggested the missing ones.

  • Jharana Thapa’s marriage is also an intercaste marriage. One of Jharana’s parents is Newar. So, before marriage, Jharana was Jharana Bajracharya. Jharana’s mother is a Thakuri and her father is a Newar.
  • Malvika Subba and Riyaj Shrestha – (I made videos about the couple and their child birth and still missed them. That was really dumb.)
  • Bhuwan KC and Sushmita KC (Sushmita Bomjom before marriage)
  • Jayan Subba Manandhar (I am searching for the name of her husband)

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